Sunday 26 August 2012

How cool is Legoland?

The trip to Legoland this summer was a must for us. As Lionardo put it -  "Mummy we need to see the artic display and try the polar express"  Living in the Lego motherland made the pilgrimage easy.
Let me just say "Legoland is totally cool!" I bought our 2 day tickets online and got a great deal. Parking was a dream and the displays were fabulous.

The Polar x-plorer was as Humpty Alexander Dumpty would say - a little yolky. The ride through The Pyramid (The Temple) was great as we shot at all the mummies and scorpions and other creatures of the pyramid. We loved the Dragonride at the Kingdoms Castle, first a gentle ride through the castle to enjoy the castle life in Lego and then a short, fast twirl of a rollercoaster ride. The Temple and the Dragonride were our favorite rides.

At the acrobatic pantomine at the mini castle was great fun. We watched the show 4 times and it was good all four times. Next summer we are going back to Legoland!

Shooting the creatures of the pyramid

Being twirled at the tail end of the dragon

This is the "yolky" polar x-plorer

Tuesday 14 August 2012

68 days in retrospect

68 days is the maximum gestation period for a dog. 68 days have passed since my last posting. Have I had puppies? No, sorry no puppies.

My family has, in the last 68 days, been blessed with to new members. Two girls born on the opposite ends of the earth. I was born in 1968 - year of the earth monkey. Shout out to earth monkeys.

The Smithsonian's 40th anniversary edition stated that by 2012 Richard Branson would send six persons 68 miles above the earth. 32 days ago Branson anounced that he will be among the first of a total of 529 persons, who have signed up to fly into space starting next year.

528 persons have been in space since Yuri Gagarin. I used to dream of travelling in space. Part of me is actually in space. My name is in space along with 880,000 others, dropped off in the asteroid belt by the Dawn spacecraft.

On the 25th of July Dawn concluded mapping the protoplanet Vesta from a high altitude orbit of 680 kilometers. On the 25th of June, I got my first tattoo. It depicts a japanese cherry blossom. Life can change in 68 days. I think of the chilean miners rescued after 68 days. Life can change in 1 day. I imagine 68 years ago on a beach in Normandy.