Saturday 17 May 2014

KL: Foodie on comfort food - Nasi Lemak

Today we had the need for comfort food. A silent wish for something filling, spicy and vibrant. Picking up on this my cousin Jenny bought what I would call one the corner stones of malaysian soul food - Nasi Lemak bungkus. Some of you may have read my ramblings on the joys of Nasi Lemak as a breakfast dish. Nasi Lemak bungkus has the burn of the hot sambal against the subtle coconut cream of the rice, enriched by the boiled egg and cooled by the sliced cucumber, only to be topped by the tangy salt of the fried dried achovies - all this wrapped in fragrant banana leaf, formed like a pyramid.

This is soul food for the every day malaysian. It is all about substance and not a lot about appearances.

This is not the nasi lemak bungkus we had today. This is just a tribute to the nasi lemak we had today.

Friday 16 May 2014

KL: A foodie flies SIA economy

Due to unforseen circumstances I am back in Kuala Lumpur. As it was a family emergency and I had to get the first good flight to KL. So yesterday I flew SIA economy for the first time in 16 years.

There is no denying that I missed the great sleeper seats in business however....flying economy was actually quite enjoyable thanks to the excellent crew of SQ 351. They gave excellent service with a smile and lots of patience. The big surprise was the quality of the food and drinks even without the fine dining service with tablecloths and glass. The standard tray revealed a flavourful meal. In fact both meals were good.

Her is my little foodie view of the trip

Some excellent ham and cheese, tuna mousse and wine at the Diners service lounge, Copenhagen Airport

Onwards to gate C33 with a stop at Lagkagehuset for som Choco Rye - YUM!

Time to do SIA economy

The usual Bloody Mary sans fine dining service tastes just as good

The excellent service started with hot towels

The standard tray with great flavours - potato salad with smoked salmon, braised beef in black pepper sauce, chinese vegetables and steamed rice

The ice-cream dessert - sharp and refreshing

Rounded off by coffee and baileys.
Many glasses of juice and water later....

Breakfast was delightful with organic blue berry yoghurt, fresh fruit and a robust dish of braised egg noodles with chicken and mushroom in Oriental sauce and vegetables

Landed in Changi and off to KL. The short flight to KL boasted only of a disappointing cup of sealed orange juice.

Friday 2 May 2014

The art of waiting for the flight.

After several trips through Singapore airport we have learnt to be prepared - food,  loads of electronic entertainment and good seat placement at the lounge.
This is our art of surviving  the long wait for our flight.  3 hours and counting.

Back to Copenhagen/Tilbage til København

Today we are leaving the comfort of Shang. Next is the airport and back home.

I dag vi forlader det dejlige hotel Shangri-La. Næste stop er lufthhaven og hjem.