Saturday 17 May 2014

KL: Foodie on comfort food - Nasi Lemak

Today we had the need for comfort food. A silent wish for something filling, spicy and vibrant. Picking up on this my cousin Jenny bought what I would call one the corner stones of malaysian soul food - Nasi Lemak bungkus. Some of you may have read my ramblings on the joys of Nasi Lemak as a breakfast dish. Nasi Lemak bungkus has the burn of the hot sambal against the subtle coconut cream of the rice, enriched by the boiled egg and cooled by the sliced cucumber, only to be topped by the tangy salt of the fried dried achovies - all this wrapped in fragrant banana leaf, formed like a pyramid.

This is soul food for the every day malaysian. It is all about substance and not a lot about appearances.

This is not the nasi lemak bungkus we had today. This is just a tribute to the nasi lemak we had today.

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