Friday 18 March 2016

A visit to the national Zoo - Zoo negara Part 1/En tur til den nationale zoologiske have - Zoo Negara 1. del.

Even scorching hot weather did not deter us from our next "must do" - a visit to the national zoo, Zoo Negara. Unfortunately the zoo is undergoing extensive renovations, which make the conditions for the animals rather poor. However, there were still many enjoyable moments. So here is part 1.

Selv den brandende varme kunne ikke holde os fra vores næste "skal ting" - en tur til den nationale zoologiske have - Zoo Negara. Desværre er zoo'en under omfattende ombygning, som giver dyrene dårlige betingelser. Der var dog stadig mange gode stunder. Her er 1. del.

The central lake at the zoo/Den centrale sø i zoo'en.

One of our favorite animals/En af vores favorit dyr.

The fearsome Gaur - the tiger killers/De frygtede Gaur bøfler.

The mighty Lion feeling the heat/Den mægtige løve føler også varmen.

For the tapirs, it's time for lunch/For tapirerne er det tid til frokost.

When it got too warm, we took the tram/Vi tog den lille zoo bus, da det blev for varmt.

The magnificent Ankole-Watusi cattle/De mageløse Ankole-Watusi kvæg.

Sweating with the rhinos/Vi sveder med næsehornene.

Pumas in the shade/Pumaerne søger skygge.

On our way to the pandas - More in part 2/På vejen til pandaerne - mere i 2. del

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