Tuesday 15 March 2016

We love sharks/Vi elsker hajer

S.E.A aquarium in Singapore is impressive and the Aquaria in Kuala Lumpur though much smaller delivers a satisfying dose of marine life. Today we had some great encounters with sharks.

S.E.A akavariet i Singapore er imponerende og Aquaria i Kuala Lumpur er mindre og leverer stadig en tilfredstillende oplevelse af livet under havet. I dag fik vi nærkontakt med akvariets hajer.

The shark's egg/Hajens æg

Ready to hatch/Klar til at klække

A baby shark/En haj unge

Now the grown-ups/Nu til de voksne hajer

The peaceful nurse sharks/De fredelige nursehajer

A saw shark/En savhaj

One sand shark/En sandhaj

Then came more/Så kom flere

Finally contact with the shark/Til sidst kontakt med hajen.

A copy of megalodons jaws/En kopi af megalodons kæbe

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