Friday 18 March 2016

Zoo Negara Part 2 - Pandas/Zoo Negara 2. del - Pandaer

Zoo Negara has two grown pandas and a cub. We did not see the mother and cub but we did see the father chilling in the enclosure.

Zoo Negara har to voksne pandaer og en panda unge. Vi så ikke moren og ungen med nød synet af faren.

All the zoos with pandas/Alle zoo med pandaer

Measuring up to the bears - half as tall as a polar bear/Målt mod bjørnene - halv så høj som en isbjørn

Just a little shorter than a panda/En smule kortere end en panda

Our first look at the panda/vores først syn af pandaen.

Chilling panda-style/Når en panda flader ud

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