Wednesday 29 February 2012

On the fifth day we rested

Its been five days since we arrived in Singapore and time has just flown by. The pace has been suprisingly hectic, so today has been a day of rest. Lionardo has spent alot of time with uncle P, playing lego stars wars on the PS2 and chatting about the night safari.I had my last shopping adventure - I got my red shoes!(se pictures under post " I love red shoes). Kim did a walkabout on Orchard.

I made a final trip to the food pusher for prathas with mutton curry, fried okra and spicy pickled vegetables. sigh. A little packing ... a little blogging and tomorrow, its time to move on to KL.

I leave the Singapore part of blog with Views From Orange Grove Road to Orchard Road (nb. post " observations while getting a late supper on monday night")

On Orange Grove Rd. looking down toward Orchard Rd.

Looking up the road towards Shangri-La

Where grove meets orchard

The sign that says it

The corner of Claymore and Orchard, the location of the infamous Orchard Tower and hang-out spot for the Girls

At Orchard Tower with 7 eleven on the ground floor and the Food Pushers in the basement. This is the 7-eleven from mypost " observations while getting a late supper on monday night"

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