Tuesday 28 February 2012

What to do on a tuesday?

Definately breakfast at the horizon club on the 24th floor. I do my usual calory bomb: pink guava juice and water followed by Dim sum (4 pcs.) and a taste of noodles , a pipping hot pot of jasmine tea, a nice bowl of muesli sweetened with honey topped with raspberries and blueberries and finally 2 slices for cinnamon french toast with maple syrup. Love a good breakfast :-)

Next, do some shopping - nice Lacoste sale, 50 % - I just love Tangs. Then some sun and fun at the pool before visiting Auntie W.L.

Relaxed after a gin&tonic and snacks - ipoh cookies, jam tarts and love letters - I watch the boys having fun at Auntie's pool. Followed by a little playtime for Lionardo and Auntie W.L's boys. Yummy dinner: homemade claypot rice.

Yikes - late and it is time to get back to the hotel. Lionardo and Kim to bed and me to blog. I love being on holiday.

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