Monday 7 May 2012

What's this thing with the blog- Proclivity or addiction?

This past week I have been mentally creating posts to write. Like a open box of chocolates the blog sits invitingly. So addicted? Hmmm....I do like words, so is it a proclivity?

When in doubt I turn to The Oxford dictionary. My copy (yes in print) is the fourth edition from 1952.  I Love it! In 1952 the word "Addicted" primarily meant " Devote, apply habitually (to a practice)".  Anno 2012 online Oxford dictionary states that addicted  informally means "enthusiastically devoted to a particular thing or activity" The primary mean is "physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance".

In 1952 the word "Proclivity" had a negative flavour - " Tendency ( to, towards action of habit, esp. bad one, to do)". Anno 2012 online Oxford dictionary proclivity means "a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing"

My thing is a... proclivity, although the jury is still out on wheter it is "proclivity" anno 1952 or 2012.

Its late spring in Denmark. The air is still crisp in the mornings but the light is fantastic.

The colours of May - driving pass fields of yellow mustard under the canopy of that stark blue sky.

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