Thursday 29 March 2012

How many times to thank Langkawi?/ Hvor mange gange takker man Langkawi

While enjoying our last evening at the club lounge, Lionardo said that he would like to thank Langkawi a million times, the staff at the club a hundred times and the hotel 99 times. That pretty much sums up our holiday experience. We have enjoyed being on Langkawi tremendously.

Lionardo got to decide what we did today. So we were off to an early start with tennis (time to find James the cat), looking at the geese, ducks and chickens at the little traditional village house, splashing about in the Andaman Sea, splashing some more in the pool.
By now it was quite warm and time to have a strawberry milkshake by the pool before lunch. The afternoon went by playing Angry Bird Uno followed by a little PSP time.
Then off to cocktails and dinner - which in Lionardo's case is a mountain of toast, some minced meat and some cucumber. The evening ended quite late with gazing at the starry night sky and finally feeding the cats. Goodnight Lionardo while we try to fit all my shopping into our bags.

Mens vi hyggede i loungen tidligere på aftenen (vores sidste aften på øen), bemærkede Lionardo at han kunne tænke sig at takke Langkawi en million gange, at takke klubbens (lounge) personale 100 gange og hotellet 99 gange. Bemærkningen opsummere fint vores oplevelse af Langkawi. Vi har haft en fremragende ferie på Langkawi.

Lionardo fik i dag lov til at bestemme dagens program, hvilket betød at vi startede tidligt med at spille tennis (og tid til at finde katten James), vi kiggede på gæs, ænder og høns ved det lille traditional landsby hus, fik legede i vandet ved Andaman Havet, fik legede en del ved poolen. Så var det blev så varmt at det var tid til en lille jordbær mælkshake før frokost. Resten af eftermiddag brugt Lionardo på at spille Angry Birds Uno og PSP.
Derefter afsted til cocktails og aftensmad, Lionardo fik som sædvanlig en bjerg af ristet brød, lidt hakket kød og agurk. Aftenen sluttede sent, efter vi havde kigget på stjernehimlen ved stranden og vi havde fodret kattene. Godnat Lionardo - nu skal vi prøve at pakke al min shopping.

Looking at the animals at the village house, Kigger på dyr ved landsby huset

Having a good time at the beach, vi hygger os ved stranden

Cooling down at the pool afterwards, Vi køler ned ved poolen bagefter. 

Chilling on the big rocking chair at the lounge, Lionardo slapper af på den store gyngestol i loungen

The art of feeding cats at night - those tiny glowing spots are the cat's eyes. Kunsten ved at fødre katte om aftenen - de små lysende prikker er kattens øjne.

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