Tuesday 17 April 2012

More candy from the ALT experience - Handle with care/Mere guf fra ALT oplevelsen - Være forsigtig

The Antony Lionardo Thomassen Experience continues with more candy from Zoo Negara.
Antony Lionardo Thomassen Oplevelsen fortsætter med mere guf fra Zoo Negara.

This one of ALT favourites among the venomous snakes - the mangrove snake (boiga dendrophila melanota), which is mildly venomous but very aggressiv. Her er en af ALTs favoritter bland de giftige slange - mangroveslang (boiga dendrophila melenota), hvis gift er mild men slange er meget agressiv. 

The monocellate Cobra (Naja naja kaouthia) is common through out Malaysia. It is extremely venomous and has enough venom to kill a person. Monokel-kobra (Naja naja kaouthia) kan findes overalt i Malaysia. Slangen er extremt giftige og har nok gift til at slå en person ihjel. 

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